Thursday, August 6, 2009


While reading on the train this morning I came across a paragraph that touched me in an unexpected way. "Man was created with the woman hidden in his being. God then skillfully brings out of him that hidden part called woman. She was taken "out of him." Her removal left a void and this creates man's attraction for her. She was the softer side of him. She was his tenderness, and those emotions he couldn't share. She was the tears that would not fall, the passion he didn't allow himself to feel, and the trembling compassion that he could never express. When he makes love to her, he is actually embracing the softer side of himself. He is holding all that he is unable to say in his arms and loving it, touching it, stroking the part of his being that wishes it could be held, and if he is wise, he does it with all his strength. Tenderness, sensuality, and passion erupt when he has the knowledge that he is somehow making love to the softer side of himself." I never thought of the creation of woman in this sense. Thing is it doesn't seem like men and women embrace this theory now a days. We are so afraid to show our true selves or even our softer sides because we don't want to get hurt. Don't want to be taken advantage of, so we hide behind this shield hoping that no one can penetrate it enough to expose our vulnerabilities. How long does a person have to go on like this whether it be man or woman. Should the wall be made from brick that it would take a jack hammer to break through. Speaking for myself, I don't mind my independence but I would rather have some dependence on a man who has God in his ♥​ and love in his ♥​ than to think I can provide that all on my own. Granted it has to be in me in order for it to be recognized but I am not opposed to expressing or desiring that from a man. Of course this is how I felt the passage related to me and others may view it differently. No matter what experiences I've had or will have dealing with the opposite sex, it will never stop me from believing in love!

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