Saturday, February 14, 2009

February 14, 2009 Happy Valentine's Day!!

I am a strong believer in Love.
No matter how many times my heart has been broken or disappointed, I still believe.
I believe there is a person out there who completes me, who is my soulmate and who I can give my everything to.
In many ways I believe I have found him but that we haven't quite come into our time.
As much as I have tried to deny what my heart feels, it doesn't go away and no other will do.
I possess a lot of patience and I am willing to wait for things to come as they are meant to be.
It may seem as if that isn't possible but I believe that we are not designed to live life alone and we cannot let our past disappointments and heartaches cloud our true desire to love and be loved. I still believe in love and will keep my heart open to all its many possibilities no matter what.
God is love and so am I!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 12, 2009 My Sound Of Music

The sound of music is like making love.
It can start as a slow grind and as the tempo changes the movements adjust to the flow.
Slow and easy or fast and hard.
Depends on your preference and how far you wanna take it.
Music gives me butterflies and causes my heart to beat faster!
Sweat running down the small of my back as the melody fills my ears and my hips sway to the rhythm that fills the room.
I become lost in its mesmerizing effects before finally drifting off into a deep slumber.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

February 11, 2009 The Reality of Possibility

In life sometimes I take a step back and review.
The things that I want or desire aren't always what I need.
But somehow I've convinced myself that I do need it and get caught up trying to obtain it.
The reality of the possibility of me accomplishing it hardly ever succeeds but I digress.
You can't control people and their actions.
You can't make someone like, love or be with you no matter how much you have tried to prove that you desire that with them.
Sometimes it's just better to walk away because if it's meant for you to have, it'll usually come to you.
You shouldn't have to subject yourself to any out of character acts to win someone over.
Love is not designed that way.
It is simple, uncomplicated, and nurturing.
It's just that we as people sometimes complicate what isn't meant to be complicated.

Monday, February 9, 2009

February 9, 2009-House Soul Cleaning

Have you ever had things that took up space in your house but were no longer serving a purpose?
Does your soul carry such a habit as well?
Friendships that are no longer a help but a hinder?
Torches for lost loves who will never return?
Carrying around all this excess can clutter the path to the true you and possibly lose yourself.
Time to do some house soul cleaning and get rid of those things or persons that no longer serve a meaningful purpose in your life.
Your mind, body and soul will thank you for it.