Monday, September 7, 2009

It's My Birthday And It's Not Just Another Day

So on this day 34 years ago, God saw fit to allow me to have presence in his world. I know most people think that a birthday is just another day but I beg to differ. It is the one day of the year that you have the right to celebrate the existence of you and no one else can say a thing about it. I use to think it had to be made lavish and all but the fact that so many people are not fortunate to see another year, just making it here is good enough for me. I guess in my reality I make it a big deal because I feel that it is a special time of the year and that each person should have the chance to feel that specialness no matter how many other times through out the year they are allowed to. So on this day I am celebrating me and the joy of seeing another day and year. I hope that when your birthday comes you will if not already do the same thing!

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