Monday, December 22, 2008

Nite Owling

Is it possible that I do my best writing when I can't sleep or my worse writing when I can. Came across a story that I wrote sometime back but unfinished. It appears I had a case of writers block. I wonder if me not wanting to read it makes it boring or because I already know what it is about. I'm also concerned that if I do start reading, I'll unblock my writers block and get somewhat obsessed with finishing the story. Creating unnecessary pressure on myself. I'm curious as to how my perception of the story would be now since I have written it sometime ago. Maybe I should give it a look and see if I can pick up where I left off. Not much time left since I'm gonna pick my classes back up after the holidays! It would make a great outlet to blow off steam possibly! I am no where near sleepy and I need to get up soon! Writing is my solace and soothes my soul. It comforts me in my time of need and the calming of the storm that sometimes rages within me. Writing is so much a part of who I am! If it never reaches the masses, I'm still content with setting my words free!

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