Saturday, June 5, 2010


It is not in my best interest to ignore what my heart consistently feels. For two years I have struggled with this addiction...this addiction of love. In some instances it may not seem like a bad thing especially when it hasn't had many negative results. This addiction has forced me to realize some things about myself both positive and negative. It has forced me to release, relate and reveal my inner most thoughts. At one point I was willing to give up on love and all the things that go along with it. My heart wouldn't allow me to do so. It leads me to believe that there is more to this than lust and infatuation. Those type of emotions don't last this long. This is a deep rooted appreciation that has yet to wavier. With my consistent perseverance, things are starting to come around. As they say something worth having doesn't always come easy and if it does, why would you want to have it anyway. Now I openly, completely embrace all the emotions I am feeling whether they are positive or negative. This choice has made things so much better for me and clear. As time goes on and I continue to grow, a positive attitude with an optimistic disposition will help me not only get through the rough times but breeze right through the good times. Guess that means this is an addiction I don't need a 12 Step program for.

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