Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 15, 2009

Today was one of the coldest days I remember in a long time. Last time I checked it was like -13 degrees. I can't quite understand how that is possible but this is Chicago and I have seen all four seasons in one day. This is the kind of weather that you can lose fingers, toes, and other important parts. I am glad that the City of Chicago has warming centers for homeless people and that they even go out and try to locate them and help them to get to a warming center. It is great to see that they aren't being forgotten. I hope that we all survive this "deep freeze" and make it to Spring. I am so looking forward to Spring and all the newness that comes with it. My favorite part is hearing the birds chirp in the morning and the smell of fresh cut grass. It's been a kind of rough Winter thus far but we will fair through and and move into Spring gladly.

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